Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Keynote 1: Data Is King... or Is It?

09:20 - 09:50
  • Data has the potential to unlock enormous value and boost productivity in construction.
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are promoted as the tools that allow these data to be processed and interpreted.
  • The talk will look at the value and the risks in focusing on the use of data with reference to some specific examples

Keynote 2: Harmonising Bridge Design in a Climate Emergency

09:50 - 10:20
  • The ideal bridge should be functional, sustainable, structurally coherent, aesthetic, and durable, as well as respectful of the history, culture and society of the site, appropriate to the environment and on the right scale with regard to the problem.
  • In this presentation I will explain my view on how to achieve holistic bridge designs, in the context of the current climate emergency. 

Concrete Repairs: A19 Tees Viaduct

10:20 - 10:40
  • The implementation of an innovative & collaborative repair & protection strategy to a key highways infrastructure asset
  • An industry award winning safe & sustainable solution delivering social value whilst achieving the key National Highways objective of minimising traffic disruption

Minimising Embodied Carbon by Maximising Efficient Structural Design – Opportunities and Challenges

10:40 - 11:00
  • Minimising the quantity of material specified is one significant way in which bridge engineers can reduce the embodied carbon in their designs and also reduce the cost.
  • In reality, relatively few bridges are currently designed to the limits of the rules in the applicable design codes.
  • This presentation will discuss some of the common reasons why designers are reticent to design for 100% utilisation and makes proposals for why and how they should re-consider their approach in many situations.

Inspection Manual for Highway Structures

11:30 - 11:50
  • The Inspection Manual for Highway Structures (IMFHS) was first released in 2007; the document consisted of two complimentary volumes; Volume 1 was a reference document whilst Volume 2 acted as a quick reference for inspectors on site.
  • National Highways decided in 2023 that a refresh of the document was required and employed WSP to undertake the work.
  • The new manual is divided into 13 chapters; chapters 1 to 11 replace the original reference document; chapter 12 is the updated Inspector’s Handbook whilst chapter 13 provides informative references.
  • The IMFHS is applicable to any individual or organisation in the UK who wish to use it.
  • The presentation will describe the changes made with examples taken from the two volumes.

Millennium Bridge Deck Refurbishment

11:50 - 12:10
  • Introduction to City Bridge Foundation.
  • Background to why the decking works are required and intermediate operations.
  • The improvements to the decking.
  • Additional maintenance works included.
  • Progress of the proposals and works on site.

Bridges Ten/20

12:10 - 12:45

The TEN/20 (aka Pecha Kucha) is a stand-alone session comprising mini presentations delivered at a blistering pace by exhibitors and delegates from local authorities and academia.

Presentations are vetted by the organisers of Bridges in partnership with ADEPT.

To suggest a presentation subject, email Matteo DiNiro at

The deadline for submissions is 14 February.


Bridge Collapses and the Importance of Learning from History

14:00 - 14:20
  • A reflection on collapses in the first quarter of this century.
  • Details of collapse investigations.
  • Some case studies.
  • Are we sufficiently well resourced to prevent future collapses?

Modern Methods of Construction - The Colne Valley Viaduct

14:20 - 14:40
  • When completed, the 3.4km-long Colne Valley Viaduct being delivered by the Align JV as part of HS2 Phase One will be the longest railway viaduct in the UK.
  • This precast, segmental, post-tensioned concrete box girder viaduct has been erected by an overhead gantry – the only one of its kind currently being employed in the UK.
  • This 650t gantry has been used to erect the segments of the viaduct through both balanced cantilever and span-by-span methods.
  • This method of erection and choice of erection equipment has enabled the viaduct to be constructed entirely above pier head level, with segments rear fed to the gantry at deck level, delivered by trailer on the previously erected spans.
  • This has minimised disruption both on the surrounding roads and the highly environmentally sensitive bodies of water and woodland areas, northwest of London, which the viaduct spans.

Rehabilitation of Cart Road Railway Underbridge, Cardiff

14:40 - 15:00
  • Cart Road Bridge, Cardiff is a Grade II listed three span masonry railway underbridge which, before the works, was in very poor condition. 
  • This presentation will describer the project background and how it fits in within the wider Core Valley Lines works for Transport for Wales.
  • Our paper will also examine mistakes that were made in the assessment and initial strengthening of this bridge which can apply to other masonry bridges and which dangerously overestimated the strength of the bridge. 
  • Lastly, we will present the latest advances used in the installation of the MARS System and discuss the problems associated with re-casing masonry bridges.

Caring For An Elderly Bridge Portfolio: How Network Rail is Examining its Aging Structures

15:00 - 15:20
  • The long-term challenges that Network Rail faces with its aging bridges portfolio.
  • How Network Rail’s examination regimes have been evolving and continue to evolve, to support engineers and asset managers make good decisions.

The AVA Footbridge

15:50 - 16:10
  • An innovative footbridge for Network Rail.
  • Designed for manufacture.
  • Working with stainless steel thin sheets.
  • The AVA footbridge was conceived as a disrupter to shake up the procurement, carbon cost and glacial speed of construction that still characterise the majority of conventional footbridge projects. It is also a beautiful, timeless piece of infrastructure, all made of stainless steel thin sheets.

Building Bridges – a Pious Act?

16:10 - 16:40
  • Strange as it may seem to us in the 21st Century, construction and repair of bridges was once considered an important act of charity. Benefactors were motivated by piety to give large sums of money towards their upkeep.
  • This talk will give a fascinating insight into the religious motivation of our medieval ancestors and why they considered that making these donations for bridges might help to save their souls after death.

Bridges Awards Ceremony

16:45 - 17:45
  • Introduced by Bridge design & engineering magazine and the organisers of the Bridges conference and exhibition in partnership with the Bridge Owners Forum, the biennial Bridges Awards aim to recognise and honour individual projects and/or organisations for outstanding achievement.

Read more here.


Awards Drinks Reception

17:45 - 19:30

Thursday, March 13, 2025


Keynote 1: Advancements in Non-Destructive Testing – National Highways Structures Moonshot

09:20 - 09:50
  • Exploring the latest developments in National Highways ‘Structures Moonshot,’ relating to the non-destructive testing of post tensioned bridges.

Keynote 2: Hangar Bridge: The World’s First Aluminium Network Arch Bridge

09:50 - 10:20
  • This presentation will provide overview of aluminium bridges before delving into the engineering and verification processes behind the 55m-long pedestrian Hangar Bridge being built in Norwary. 
  • With a focus on engineering, verification and fabrication, the Hangar Bridge project is actively exploring the potential environmental and lifecycle benefits of using 100% recycled aluminium for bridge construction.

Bridgitise: An Industrial Doctoral Network for the Digitalisation of Bridge Integrity Management

10:20 - 10:40
  • Bridgitise is a pioneering project that aims to advance bridge integrity management through the development and validation of digital technologies for bridge information management.
  • The project will train 16 PhDs on themes related to innovative technologies to collect bridge data; AI and IoT technology to process and share data; and digital decision support tools to manage bridges' integrity across their life cycle.
  • All the projects will go beyond the state of the art to move scientific developments closer to real applications.

Addressing the Infrastructure Condition Crisis Using Machine Learning and Digital Custodianship

10:40 - 11:00
  • Our infrastructure is ageing, and at the same time, we're placing increasing demands and expectations upon it.
  • This is becoming a critical national challenge.
  • The good news is that technology has reached a point where AI and machine learning can help to solve these problems.
  • Steve Denton and Tom Bartley will explore their vision for 'Digital Custodianship' and demonstrate how emerging digital technologies will transform the way asset managers make decisions about maintaining infrastructure.

Suicide Deterrents on Bridges – Bridge Owners Forum Working Group

11:30 - 11:50
  • Highlighting the efforts of the Working Group.
  • Presentation on areas of best practice across UK bridges.

World-First Footbridge Built Using Minimass 3D Printed Concrete Beams

11:50 - 12:10
  • This presentation will explore the design, engineering and construction of a first-of-a-kind low-cost and low-carbon grant-funded pilot footbridge.
  • The structure was completed in September 2024 at Constructionarium’s Norfolk site and includes two fully instrumented 10.8m-long 3D printed concrete beams, Scottish glulam timber decking and timber parapets.
  • Compared to typical steel or concrete footbridge designs (excl. foundations & prelims) the bridge provides a supply cost saving of 40% and an embodied carbon saving of 30%.
  • Data on strain & temperature in the beams is being gathered over 6 months to map the performance & demonstrate evolution of the concrete strength and  creep.

Pontcysyllte Aqueduct - Stream in the Sky

12:10 - 12:30
  • An overview of the Canal & River Trust’s bridge and aqueduct portfolio.
  • Pontcysyllte Aqueduct:
    • Historic Information;
    • Construction details;
    • Planning & undertaking inspections; and 
    • Previous and planned remedial works.

River Lea Crossing Ongoing Refurbishment & Strengthening

12:30 - 12:50
  • The historic bridge is a two-pinned arch structure comprising 16 riveted steel arch ribs.

  • Having previously undertaken a comprehensive programme of surveys, inspection and assessment we were able to demonstrate that refurbishment was a feasible option instead of replacement, drawing on the ‘build less’ approach in PAS 2080.

  • The refurbishment scheme being presented on at Bridges offers embodied carbon savings in the order of 50%.


The Refurbishment of Newport Transporter Bridge

14:00 - 14:20
  • An overview of the repair and restoration works being undertaken on the Newport Transporter Bridge.

Public Speaking for Bridge Engineers: Seeing Opportunity Not Fear

14:20 - 14:40
  • Discuss the importance of public speaking in our industry.
  • Discuss how effective communication is key to solving challenges (linking to conference theme).
  • Outline the key elements of an effective presentation.
  • Launch a new opportunity for engineers to improve their public speaking skills and gain confidence in a fun and safe environment, supported by Toastmasters International.

Menai Suspension Bridge Replacement Hanger Project

14:40 - 15:00
  • Following installation of emergency temporary fail-safes on the Menai Suspension Bridge in January 2023, a permanent solution was procured and installed between September 2023 and October 2024.
  • 168 defective hangers were replaced on the bridge, whilst temporary fail-safes were kept in place for structural safety throughout the replacement operation. 
  • This talk discusses the details of the project, including the specification, manufacturing, testing and site installation of the replacement hangers.